
November 7 - Bear/Moose Info from Lindy!

So Lindy sent me an email today with a picture of a bear head...she learned that after people hunt a bear, they clean it, remove the meat, etc., then they (her words) "head to the Wildlife Troopers to measure the size of it's skull and take measurements of it's teeth.  This is to track the age of the bear and to make sure everything is legal and to track the bear community in the area."

She also said, "I did see a giant bull moose run across the highway IN TOWN the other morning.  It was funny, like watching a game of frogger with a moose!"

I am excited about seeing the interesting animal life in Alaska...and I just might run into Sarah Palin at the grocery store!

42 days until arrival in Alaska!


Angie said...

Hey Wen!
Can't wait to hear more about crazy alaska adventures!!
Love you!

WendyB said...

Thanks, Ang!

Arkadiy Fenev said...
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Arkadiy Fenev said...

I love you, Wendy! it is Arkady Fenev - Russia.

admin said...

have a good time in alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with love