
Some Websites About Kenai, Alaska

Tonight I was looking around, and thought I'd put a few websites I want to remember...I learned that feeding bears and moose is illegal (makes sense), and that 90% of the Kenai Peninsula is wilderness.  Today it is 21 degrees F, so it isn't too much colder than where I'm at in Chicago for the weekend!  
Here are a few websites I was looking at tonight:
www.peninsulaclarion.com (the Kenai online newspaper)

Okay...gotta go.


Deb said...

The blog is working! I will add you to my google reader :)

love ya,

Deb said...

Oh, and here's how to make your links "live". When you're in dashboard and you're writing your post click on the text that you want to make into a hyperlink, then click on the little hyperlink symbol at the top of the page (chain + globe) and insert the URL of the link.
